Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Social Media And Family History

One of the reasons I started this blog was to connect with family members unknown to me. There are multiple reasons, one being able to collaborate with them on our research.

The blog is a way for people to find you that are using the search engines such as Google. Blogs can be very strong this way.

I also post many of my articles on Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook I am taking opportunities to friend those who I can tell are relatives, mostly Cragun families. Thus the blog becomes a part of social media.

This week two cousins have found me. One asked me some questions on Facebook about my grandfather and his possible involvement in a mine. I have information on that. I am posting it here and going to answer him on Facebook, by referring him to this article.

Another Cragun left me a note that one of the articles I published helped him find an ancestor. Pretty Cool. I am glad you found my blog and that it helped you, Leon Cragun.

Here is to my Cousin Cecil Cragun and his question:

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am inviting those
with a same relative to be a guest contributor to this blog.


  1. I have this second photo on my Flickr, message written on the reverse is there, too. http://www.flickr.com/photos/9719975@N07/2398346449 (It's in the Cragun Ancestor Set.)


  2. Any time information can be added furthers the benefit of collaborating.

  3. Wow Nancy, there is good information on your site.

  4. No, Leon is the name in AZ records that was a missing (infant) relative in my tree. Sorry, I posted it anonymous.

  5. Oh I see, aha, I already knew you. :)
