Sunday, April 15, 2012

Be Ye Therefore Organized

This article has been updated with important easier to implement instructions. View that article of June 9, 2012 by clicking here. This system has been streamlined by Barry Ewell. He now offers a PDF and has an easy to follow video. The information below is still relevant.

This system will put your research in such an organized state that you will not believe you did it.

It will not only benefit your efforts, but will be in such great shape that someone else can easily pick up where you left off.  They will think you were amazing.

Successful genealogy research depends upon being able to find information again which you already have. To do so you need a simple system for organizing paper copies of family group records, pedigree charts, documents, notes, and research logs and helps.

The steps given below for setting up a filing system were developed and refined over several years. While this system is not the only way to organize family history information, it is inexpensive, simple to use, easy to set up, and has proven helpful to many people who have used it. Don't think you have to do all the steps outlined below in one day. Pace yourself.

These are the steps the system will take you through.
What You Are Looking For
Step 1. Gather supplies for your filing system.
Step 2. File your family pedigree charts.
Step 3. Print a copy of the Circled 5-Generation Pedigree Chart.
Step 4. Separate the lines of your 4 grandparents by color.
Step 5. Put 16 hanging files into your box.
Step 6. Label the colored hanging file folders with your family surnames.
Step 7. Put a highlighted copy of your 5-generation pedigree chart in each of the colored folders.
Step 8. Set up a file for each family on your 5-generation pedigree chart.
Step 9. File the manila folders.
Step 10. Put these items in each family folder.
Step 11. Set up other useful files.
Step 12. Expand to other boxes as needed.

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